Love Quotes

sardar ahmed
Love Quotes

Love Quotes

The phrase “Love Quotes” refers to succinct and expressive statements or sayings that articulate various aspects of love,
including its beauty, complexity, and significance. These quotes capture emotions, sentiments, and truths about love in
a way that resonates deeply with people.

I'M Lucky to Have you in my life.

Love doesn't need to be perfect.
It just has to be true.

"Special Person"
Sometimes the best medicine for all pain
is to spend some time with special person.

Life is short...
spend it with people who make you
laugh and feel loved.

I don't care.
if we talk about absolutely nothing
because, with you, even silence is
comfortable .

"What is Love ? "
Don't ask a person who loves someone
Ask a person who has lost someone .

"I know, I'm not the best"
I know I am not thes best but I'm going
to fight my whole life trying to treat you
better than anyone else because I just don't
want to lose you.

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