Sad Quotes
The phrase "sad quotes" refers to statements or expressions that convey feelings of sadness, melancholy,
despair. These quotes are typically used to articulate emotions associated with difficult or sorrowful
experiences. They often capture the essence of what someone might be feeling in a way that resonates deeply with
others who are experiencing similar emotions.
Sleeping is so hard
when you can't stop thinking.
Make relationship for timepass
because maybe another person
is very serious about it..
Some people come into your life.
only to teach you how to live alone.
A clear rejection is always better
than Fake promise .
Fake love, Fake care, Fake feelings,
Fake promise, Fake emotions, fake tears.
Fake people, fake word
Everything is fake
Because fake is New Trends these Days.
مھجے میری ہی یاد آتی ہے
میں کیا تھی اور کیا ہوگئی
تم میرے ہو مجھے یقین تھا
جھوٹ تھا مگر کتنا حسین تھا۔
ہم ناراض سمجھتے رہے
وہ تنگ تھے ہم سے ۔
کوئی ایسا تھا میرے اندر
جو مجھے مجھ سے ہی بیراز کر کے چلا گیا۔
وہ مجھے بھول ہی گیا ہوگا۔
اتنی مدت کوئی خفا نہیں رہتا۔